
Saudi Arabian Airlines – Award for Excellence

We were delighted to be presented with an award for excellence from Saudi Arabian Airlines. The award is in recognition of the volumes shipped during 2014.

2014 was another busy year; with Saudia’s cooperation we exported more than 50,000,000 hatching eggs. HiBreeds Director Laura Chandler said "Whilst we shipped fewer eggs in 2014 than we did in 2013, this was still a demanding year, shipping eggs on an almost daily basis. Airfreight remains a key component of our business. It is vital for us to maintain a close working relationship and regular contact with Saudi Arabian Airlines, Air logistics Networks and the ground handling staff. Their cooperation and hard work is vital to the success of shipping such delicate cargo. We are delighted to have received this certificate from Saudi Airlines; however, this award is recognition not only of our achievement but also everyone at Saudi Airlines, all of whom contribute to the smooth running of each and every shipment.